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Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Kelsey had NINE teeth pulled!!!

Kelsey recently had 9 teeth pulled!!! She was so brave, scared, and excited all at the same time. We are so lucky to have an awesome dentist, that she totally loves. She was actually put under anesthesia. I of course balled as she was going under. She had a lot of support from family and friends who brought her special treats when they came to visit. While she rested in bed, she worked on her weaving loom and watched HSM3. Dylan was so worried and concerned for Kelsey and made her a bracelet and necklace. The tooth fairy had to work overtime for that payoff!!!

1 comment:

  1. So fun to check out your blog. 9 teeth really? Can the poor kid eat? Looks like you guys are good in EDH :)
